All Books All the Time

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Where Have I Been?

Photo by Amy

Over the last year, I have experienced some vision loss that has made it more challenging for me to read. This loss had caused a significant reading slump for me. My usual voracious reading habits took a hiatus. Books did not hold the same appeal that they once had. As a matter of fact, books made me sad. When I held a book I felt a deep sense of loss. Even thinking of books filled me with dread. I suppose I was equating my loss of vision with my love for books and reading. It took almost a year for me to realize or come to terms with my vision loss as well as my love for books and reading. It wasn’t until one  day, as I stood in a bookstore, holding a picture book, that I thought, why should I let that vision loss deter me from reading and loving books, children’s books, in particular?

During my lifetime, I’ve dealt with many challenges when it came to my lack of “normal” vision. I’ve overcome many obstacles and dealt with adversity. Although I’m not able to share my book love with children at my library, I decided that I can still enjoy children’s books by using my reading modifications (more about these to come) and I can write about those books I love, here on my new blog.

I often find that children’s books have just the right bit of wisdom and inspiration that I need, at just the right moment, both in time and place. So, today I’m sharing a book that was recommended to me, by an acquaintance, who first discovered the book while visiting her young granddaughter in London. As soon as I opened the book and began reading, I knew it was one I must own.  Not only are Mackesy’s words perfect for children, but also for any adult who may pick up the book.

“We all need a reason to keep going,” said the horse. “What’s yours?”  ~Charlie Mackesy

For me, the answer to the question, in regards to children’s books, is simply, because I love them. I’ve spent 25 years sharing my love for children’s books, why should I stop now?  So, here you are . . . get a copy of this book now. Oh, be sure to share it with someone, because that is what book lovers do.

Photo from Amazon

Check out Charlie Mackesy’s website Here.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, I am glad to hear you are pulling yourself forward. When we have tribulations our journey takes its own twists and turns and I am sad for all your troubles, happy for all of the good that has happened in your life and your return to loving books in the ways that matter. From the heart and their essence. To teach us, make us know, touch us, entertain us and so much more. I send you hugs and hope for only better turns on each part of your journey and throughout spring and summer. I look forward to your new blog and its entries. You will always be a treasure to me. When I needed a friend you were right there to help me in a trying moment. And that led to so much more in its way. Big hugs. Stay safe from the virus. Janet Clare F.
